Anne here, wishing you a happier new year than last year was.
For me, it's that time of year again. And no, I don't mean Christmastide, though we're still doing our daily blog. I'm talking about catching the dreaded end-of-year decluttering bug. It starts when I pack away my Christmas decorations. I always pull some out to go to the charity shop — not my favorites, of course.
But then I have a small pile of Stuff to be given away (or tossed out) and. . . it creeps. Things get added to it — clothes I haven't worn for ages (this could include most of my clothes as I have been practically nowhere during 2020 Lockdown), shoes I don't wear, gifts I don't want, and more.
This is generally a good thing. I'm a collector of Stuff. Not quite a hoarder, but photos of hoarders on the web frighten me because there's a possibility of that becoming Future Me, if I don't declutter NOW! <g> (By the way, the photo on the right is not of my house — it's a cautionary tale from the web, chosen to frighten me sufficiently to keep me decluttering. *g*)
By the way, there's a great site here about compulsive hoarding, with photos of rooms where you can compare your rooms with theirs and rate yourself. Phew! I'm nowhere near these. . . though my spare room and office are heading into danger territory.
This year I'm not simply trying to declutter, I'm attempting to drastically reduce my stuff with a view to moving out of my house. Some stuff will go into storage, but I really need to get ruthless and toss most of it. The hardest thing, of course, is that I'm going to have to cull my books — drastically. I have a huge TBR pile that I've ignored in favor of the one in my e-reader, (and yes, that's it on the left.) I should pass on all those unread paper books — some of which I have already bought as e-books. But what if those ebooks evaporate? Can I make myself give away my paper books? Time will tell.
What about you — is this a time of year when you declutter? Do you err on the hoarder side of things or are you a ruthless declutterer? Any tips for me?
I've donated or trashed a lot of stuff over the years, and my advice is to be ruthless with the clothes and kitchen stuff, but cautious with the books. I say this because I have rebought many books, especially regencies, that I know I once had and read but did not keep.
My particular beast is that my mom gave me things for the table which I have never used and never will use. She liked to have people over for holiday dinners with a formal table and all that, but that has never come in my way. MY friends were the salad and pizza type, or we'd eat out, when we were still permitted to do that. My mother's dishes and silver are still sitting where I put them when I moved into this apartment decades ago, reproaching me.
I hope you have a charity that will accept "stuff" donations handy - Goodwill and others in LA don't seem to be taking them at the moment. It's the virus.
Posted by: Janice Jacobson | Saturday, January 02, 2021 at 10:31 PM
I declutter all the time, not just once or twice a year. I sell stuff on the internet and I also donate stuff to the Red Cross flea market. I don't have very much space and so far, I've managed without having to use the small storage locker that comes with the flat I pay rent for. As for books, I try to replace my favorites with ebooks whenever possible. My bookcase is still overflowing.
Posted by: Minna Puustinen | Sunday, January 03, 2021 at 05:53 AM
I'm another with overflowing bookcases... and somehow that never stops me from accumulating more books for the shelves. I also have a kindle reader; fortunately, those thousands of books don't take up physical space! I did feel proud of myself a few days ago when I went through all my pants. Some were tossed, others in good condition were donated. I should go through the rest of my clothes, and my odds and ends drawers, and the photos, and the unopened boxes from our move here some eighteen years ago...but I think I'd rather read a book! Good luck with your sorting, Anne.
Posted by: Kareni | Sunday, January 03, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Thanks, Janice, the books are the hardest for me. I'm certain that one day all the nooks on my e-reader (and in the cloud) will simply disappear, and I will have given away the actual books. But that's just a fear of missing out thing, really -- I tell myself if that happens, I'll manage. It might be expensive, but books are, for me, a priority.
The charity collections here have been closed down for most of the year but they've started up, as after a long period of strict lockdown the virus numbers are so much better. We had two months of no new cases, but since Christmas we have a handful of cases again, and everyone's being cautious.
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Sunday, January 03, 2021 at 12:51 PM
Minna, that's a great system. I do declutter regularly, but not enough, and not on the massive scale I'm going to need this year. I've got plenty of stuff I could sell, but I hate doing that -- I find it such a hassle, I'd rather donate the things.
And yes, I'm guessing that for all of us here on the WordWenches, our bookcases tend toward overflowing. *g*
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Sunday, January 03, 2021 at 12:54 PM
Well of course not, Kareni -- stop buying books???? What kind of appalling suggestion is that? LOL And you have outlined exactly my problem -- I'd rather read a good book than do almost anything. But I must brace myself and get decluttering. .
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Sunday, January 03, 2021 at 12:56 PM
I actually look forward to having a compulsive obsessive binge of decluttering and purging. I get more accomplished during those periods than at any other time of the year. In the last 12 months I've been very fortunate that I've had 2 serious bouts of it. Grin.
As for weeding out books, I approach that very cautiously. My best approach is to after I read a book, when I finish it, I decide did I like it enough to keep it? I put a K in the corner before I send it on to my sister's to read. Those I don't want to keep I put a D in so when each book makes it back to me, they can go in the Bye Bye box. There are of course, books that go straight in the Bye Bye box as I read them.
Here are several techniques I've been using lately to maximize my ruthlessness and productivity. Write down everything I weed out so I can see how MUCH progress I'm making.
Break everything down into small projects so I have the fun of marking them off AND I see that, why yes, I'm actually making good progress. They become smaller, easier to do in a day or two bites versus something like - reorganize & purge kitchen.
There is the 10 minute rule too. Pick something and work on it for 10 mins today. Then 10 mins tomorrow. Etc. That is especially helpful when it is a long, tedious project - like picking up branches in the yard.
This also applies to projects where you sort papers or things. For10 mins sort, then put away the piles you created. Then sort for another 10 mins. Because otherwise sometimes you wind up with huge piles you don't want to deal with.
Repeat to myself, Any progress is good progress. Every small win counts. It's about progress, not perfection.
Thankfully, I'm not having to clear stuff out for a home renovation or moving. Just to make it so I have space in the house and actually know where everything is.
I do make myself take a rest day or two here and there because otherwise, I will get too ruthless in my purging.
Good luck thinning out your belongings while writing the next book/novella.
Posted by: Vicki L | Sunday, January 03, 2021 at 08:33 PM
🤡 Looking for the "+1” button, Kareni!
Posted by: Mary M. | Sunday, January 03, 2021 at 11:09 PM
A key factor that I think/hope is getting more attention these days: The tendency to think we should sell stuff ... someday. Either you're a seller or you're not. If you're not (I'm not), the stuff will sit there until doomsday. And even if I could gin up enthusiasm for finding a buyer, would the results be worth the effort? Realistically, no, in most cases. So I'm wrapping my head around giving it up and realizing I will not feel worse for giving it away than I do seeing it sitting there like so many squatters in my house and mind.
In my case, time is not my friend, and there's no one to shove this off on. I hereby declare 2021 is The Year!
Posted by: Mary M. | Sunday, January 03, 2021 at 11:25 PM
Hi Anne. I totally get your obsession with 'stuff'. I collect stuff too, especially books. I have 5 bookcases filled to overflowing. I'm currently renovating and thought to declutter. Happier surroundings now and happier me.
Posted by: Enisa Haines | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 01:37 AM
I am very slow at decluttering. I have purged many books. I am a hoarder of craft supplies. I have a craft armoire that is overflowing with items to scrapbook and card making items. It is so overwhelming, I avoid it and pick up a book instead! I will be tackling it this year as we plan to move. I wish you luck with your decluttering!
Posted by: Maryellen Webber | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 03:43 AM
Oh, how I wish I had Vicki's self-discipline. Not only would I rather be reading a book, but in all honesty, I looked at the first picture Anne used in her post and thought, "but they're all books, so what's the problem?!" My husband's addiction is actually worse than mine, and since he tends to add quite expensive tomes to our collection (often when he thinks I'm not paying attention), I've taken to begging him to attach a bright green post-it somewhere inside anything valuable, so at least our children might see it when they have to dig out after we're gone. For today, I'll be happy if I get the Christmas decorations packed up!
Posted by: Margaret | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 05:59 AM
I started the year purging books, but the lock down has sapped my strength — and a series of mechanical failures in December took more toll of me. In this new year, we will be having the mechanicals fixed, and I'll get back to the books. As for clothing and such; I've put a hold on it, since Salvation Army isn't receiving. But our closets aren't overwhelmed, so that is ok.
Vicki L. suggested doing small jobs. I am wholeheartedly behind that technique. Almost everything that I do gets done that way.
Posted by: Sue McCormick | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 06:35 AM
I am a bit on the hoarding side, with kitchen equipment and food. I barely had to stock up for the stay-at-home order last spring, because I already had so much in the house.
And I've got two cartons of books on the TBR list, and even more in my e-book library that I haven't read yet. Being home for months now did not do much to reduce the pile, for some reason. But once I've read them, I have no hesitation about giving them away. I have a relatively small collection of "keepers".
Posted by: Karin | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 07:44 AM
In my life, I have moved many times. That has sort of helped me learn about - not liking but learning - donating and throwing away. Books, are very hard for me. I have shelves and shelves in my spare room. And I also have thousands on my two kindles. I have been broken hearted when I realize that one of the books I have donated is one I really, really want to read.
I try to go through clothes shoes and donate what is good. Since I no longer work, many of the things I once wore are no longer needed. That can be hard, but I am trying to be more realistic.
Funny story...I went to a store quite a few months ago and found some knit shirts that I thought were wonderful. I bought every color they had, because they were such a bargain on sale. Got them home, tried one on (yes, I thought I knew what size I would wear so did not try them on)and it was a nightmare.
I have never worn them, because the way they are cut, I can hardly get them over my head without strangling myself.
I am planning on taking a lot of things to the Salvation Army store and all these new shirts will be part of the package. Maybe someone will be more of a contortionist than I am.
I hope my sad tale will be a good reminder to all of you, try things on before you pay for them. But, of course none of you would be silly enough to make my mistake.
I hope everyone has a wonderful 2021. And please, everyone stay well.
Posted by: Annette N | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 08:25 AM
Thanks for those tips, Vicki — I'm a big believer in lists, as I like the feeling of accomplishment when I cross tasks off, so breaking big tasks down will be a help. One of my problems is that I can't throw things out that are still useful, but I can give almost anything away quite happily. But I can't always find somewhere to give stuff. I will try to channel your ruthlessness though, and am looking forward to a more clutter-free existence.
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 12:47 PM
Thanks for that, Mary, I can't sell stuff at all. I hate it. I am not a seller. I feel much happier giving things away than trying to sell them. So I haven't even tried to sell any of my stuff, even though friends assure me that it's easy and I could make money doing it. I would rather pay them to sell it. LOL.
I like 2021 is The Year! Let's do it.
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 12:50 PM
Thanks, Enisa. I hear you on the overflowing bookcases — and I won't tell you how many I have. *g*
Best of luck with your renovations. I'm sure everyone will get sick of mine when they finally start.
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 12:52 PM
Maryellen, I hear you on the craft supplies. I practice a range of crafts and I have nowhere to store it all — its a big part of my clutter. I'm not unorganized, but I have very little storage space, and you know that saying, "a place for everything and everything in its place"? I do that, except some things don't have a place, apart from out where everyone can see it. Or in my bedroom.
I am nerving myself to give away piles of paper and colored card to the local primary school, when the kids go back to school, which will be another few weeks yet. And maybe I'll offer them some of my beads...
I have beads coming out my ears.
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 12:57 PM
LOL Margaret, I confess I thought that about that wall of books too, which is why I included it — it's a cautionary tale for me. *g*
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 12:59 PM
Oh Sue, isn't it depressing when mechanicals fail? My music speakers stopped working six months ago and I so missed having music in the house. Because of lockdown nothing was open and I couldn't take them in for repair or get anyone in to see to them. And speakers aren't anything "necessary" -- though music is important for my state of mind. I hope you get your mechanicals back working smoothly.
Thanks for the endorsement of small jobs. I suspect that's the only way I'll get it done.
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 01:04 PM
Karin, that sounds very organized to me. I usually have back-up supplies — not so much hoarding, but when one bag of coffee beans runs out, I always have a fresh one waiting.
The trouble with my TBR pile is that a lot of them are books I bought on impulse, or people gave to me, or I was given at conferences, and I'm not in the mood for them right now, so I wait until I am. . . and end up endlessly putting off reading them.
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 01:07 PM
Annette, your experience with those shirts is the reason I no longer buy clothing on line. I've given away quite a few of my mistakes.
I also think that part of my difficulty with Stuff is that we moved frequently when I was a kid and most of my things were tossed out at every move — without any consultation with me. So many of my beloved possessions simply disappeared, and my tendency now is to want to hang onto things. And that must change!
Posted by: Anne Gracie | Monday, January 04, 2021 at 01:12 PM
Anne, I had similar experiences. My stuff - gone in a blink of an eye.
But, It has taught me that most things are just stuff.
Book, are a whole different idea for me. I am a book addict and I admit it.
I hope that when you are sorting - you are able to hang on to the things that actually matter - and let go of the things that are just things. Good luck and moving to a new home is a HUGE BLESSING.
I hope everyone is staying well.
Posted by: Annette N | Tuesday, January 05, 2021 at 08:26 AM