On Monday, March 18, Susan King will interview Professor Euan Hague of DePaul University. The subject: what makes Scottish historical romances tick—as seen from an academic perspective! You won't want to miss this one! What's more, the good professor will be interested in reading your comments because this is a subject he is currently researching. Join us Monday. You won't be sorry!
That sounds very interesting. I've read (and blogged about)
Hague, Euan and David Stenhouse. "A Very Interesting Place: Representing Scotland in American Romance Novels." The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature. Ed. Berthold Schoene. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2007. 354-61.
I didn't realise he was still working in this area. I'm really looking forward to reading the interview.
Posted by: Laura Vivanco | Sunday, March 17, 2013 at 04:41 PM