Well! It certainly looks like it'll be a white Christmas for many of us. Some of the Wenches are experiencing blizzard conditions with several feet of snow, and even our U.K. Wenches are getting snow. Susan/Sarah, who lives in Maryland, sent pictures of her deck and back yard. Over 2' of snow fell in her area overnight, yet look at that lovely blue sky and sunshine! Ya gotta love Mother Nature!
Andrea, who lives in Connecticut, also got a lot of snow, and had to cancel a reunion dinner with friends. She did, however, send a gorgeous picture of her house, blanketed in a winter wonderland.
Just a reminder that starting December 25 we'll be making short daily posts through January 6. We know most of you will be busy with holiday business, so we'll be making short posts and lots of pictures. If you get a chance, drop by during the holidays and say, "Hi!" We wish to one all, a joyous holiday season and the hopes for a healthy, prosperous and peaceful New Year.
We got about 6 to 10 inches in this area with the storm. NE TN isn't set up to deal with it. 1998 was the last time we had this much. I grew up on the Canadian border, so am used to driving in it. It took me 3 1/2 hours to drive the 16 miles home Friday afternoon. I was luckier than most.
Glad to see you are all taking some time for yourselves over the holidays. Enjoy!
Posted by: Patricia Barraclough | Sunday, December 20, 2009 at 08:20 PM
Have a good holiday ladies! We've just received dustings here in KY. Hoping for more on Christmas Eve:)
Posted by: Liz Brooks | Monday, December 21, 2009 at 04:38 AM
Beautiful pics.......we had gotten lot's of snow also here in New Jersey..........
Posted by: Joanne Bozik | Monday, December 21, 2009 at 11:33 AM