Good morning from Sherrie, your Sunday announcer. And now, on to important business. Our "Guess the Wench" contest winner is . . .
. . . JANE GEORGE!!! Jane, you just won 7 books--one from each Wench--for having the most correct guesses (4). Congratulations. This was a very hard contest, as many of you have already stated. And Jane, while you're taking your bows, KAREN HAAS should also take a bow, because she was the only other person who came up with 4 correct guesses. Alas for Karen, the tiebreaking draw went to Jane, but Karen deserves recognition for her amazing feat. Jane, please send your mailing address to me.
For the rest of you, please don't feel bad. The majority of you only got 1 or 2 correct guesses. But take heart. You're still in the running for the caption contest! Each Wench will give one book to the person who, in her opinion, supplies the best caption to her picture. In fact, the Wenches are poring over the captions as we speak and we'll be announcing those winners a little later.
I'm sure you're all dying to know who's who, so here you are. Be prepared for some surprises!
Susan/Miranda (yes, the dark-haired changeling of the group)
Mary Jo (smallest child in the middle, front row)
Edith Layton
Now, wasn't that fun? The Wenches thought so. In fact, they exchanged many a comment about the wit and humor of the captions! So stay tuned for the next round of book giveaways, this time for the best captions.
I didn't enter, because I only would have gotten Edith (and maybe Jo) right. Congrats to Jane! And Wenches, you are the mistresses of disguise!
Posted by: Maggie Robinson | Sunday, June 01, 2008 at 06:43 AM
NOW I can see that the popsicle girl is Susan/Miranda!
Thanks for an adorable contest and I'm embarrassed by the largess; but I promise to read and share, thus creating more fans!
Posted by: Jane George | Sunday, June 01, 2008 at 09:48 AM
I didn't enter either but I had a great time lurking. This was fabulous fun, and congratulations, Jane!
Maybe we should send Sherrie our baby pictures and have the Wenches guess who we are. . .
Posted by: RevMelinda | Sunday, June 01, 2008 at 07:34 PM