Thank you so much, Kalen, for enlightening us regarding pins, stomachers, and other such important Georgian niceties. Since you're already an Honorary WordWench, we can't bestow that particular honor again. But we can offer you this splendid 18th century Venetian wardrobe (the Ca' Rezzonico on the Grand Canal is holding it for you) to stash away your fabulous collection of two-hundred-year-old clothing, and wish you all the best with the sales of Lord Scandal. Hail Kalen!
Off topic--but everyone scoot on over to Argh Ink to see pics of Jenny Crusie's newly-minted granddaughter Calliope! She's a living doll. And congratulate the grandmother of course--after all, she did all the work...
Posted by: talpianna | Sunday, June 15, 2008 at 07:23 PM
What a fabulous wardrobe!
Any history?
Posted by: Suzy Stutz | Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 06:04 PM