We should probably call this the Anniversary Contest instead of Book Give-Away, but the fact is, we're going to be giving away a lot of books. A minimum of 14, to be exact.
Below are seven childhood pictures of the Wenches. Your job is to guess who's who. Here's how it works:
1. Study the pictures and send your best guesses to me, Sherrie (click on my name) with the subject line, "Wench Contest." DO NOT SEND YOUR GUESSES TO THE BLOG OR YOU'LL BE DISQUALIFIED.
2. The person guessing all 7 pictures correctly will win an autographed book from each of the Wenches. In case of ties, the names of those who guessed correctly will be thrown into a hat and I'll draw one name as the winner.
3. As an added bonus, we encourage you to suggest captions to the pictures for a chance to win even more books. You can do that via the comments feature, but DO NOT include your guesses on the Wench identities--those go to me! Each Wench will give one book to the person who, in her opinion, supplies the best caption to her picture.
The contest will end this coming Friday at midnight, Eastern Daylight Time, so you'll have the rest of this week to enter. Winners will be announced on Sunday, our usual announcement day. Be sure to check back in case you won!
So, before we start: Wench identity guesses go to Sherrie. Suggestions for captions can be done via the comment feature. Got it? Great! Let's get started! (Click on any of the pictures to view a larger version.)
She stood happily alone, making up a story in her head.
While picking blueberries at the age of two, this Wench shows an early tendency to get deep into her work.
Wench sporting a tartan bow?
Already determined to stand out from the crowd, this dark-haired Wench sits in the middle of her California cousins & demonstrates how (not) to eat a popsicle.
Despite being blinded by the light, I've always been an Indiana Jones explorer.
(Littlest one in picture) I liked romantic subplots in other books, but I didn't read genre romances for years because the first few I read were frankly dreadful. Who knew what I'd be doing today???
See? I always did have red hair!!! At least, then I did.
Remember, people: Send your Wench guesses to Sherrie. Don't post them here. HOWEVER--do, please, offer caption suggestions here. *g*
~Sherrie, mother hen Webmistress
Posted by: Sherrie Holmes | Monday, May 26, 2008 at 11:20 PM
These are just too cute. I confess I'm stumped on half of them...of course it is early Monday morning, so it's not hard to stump me.
Caption for Wench #3: In a vain attempt to keep me from looking up the highlander's kilt, Mom tied me to a wall with this tartan bow.
Posted by: Maggie Robinson | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 03:25 AM
And it's Tuesday morning. Duh. I knew that. these 3-day weekends are the devil.
Posted by: Maggie Robinson | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 03:41 AM
Wench 2.
Early career of Sheena Berry, currently starring in "Nekkid Food-Wrestling, Season 8" (TV For Men, Tuesday nights at 10)
Posted by: RfP | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 05:40 AM
Wench 4. Horizontal-stripy-bellied sucker identification guide.
1, Visible brain freeze.
2, Facial freeze, stiff upper lip.
3, Greater sticky mess (vertical-striped seasonal plumage).
4, Lesser sticky mess.
5, Upright tidy nester.
6, Small-mouthed stick chewer.
7, Hurtinteeth groundfowl.
Posted by: RfP | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 05:43 AM
Wench 6.
The Secret of the Saggy Swimsuits: A Soggy Six Story of Skulduggery and Secrets. Starring Steve the Setter.
Posted by: RfP | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 05:50 AM
Wench 5.
The acolyte mounted the stone dais to secure the captive's wrists to the ancient iron hooks. It was a strangely familiar moment. Despite her city clothes and new responsibilities, it wasn't that different from staking a goat on a new patch of grass. Stifling a giggle, she nodded to the crowd to begin the chant.
Posted by: RfP | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 06:43 AM
You are all really good at the caption thing. I particularly like the way you're making stories around the whole picture.
Keep 'em coming!
Jo :)
Posted by: Jo Beverley | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 08:33 AM
We did one of these for mother's day at work...Thank goodness I knew my own mother, that's the one I got right. And that swim suit on wench 6 is interesting.
Posted by: kay | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 09:29 AM
#1 - Not one more step, stranger…
#2 - I swear to you, I only ate one!
#3 - How much longer do I have to hold this smile?
#4 - You can’t fool me, I know there's no film in that camera!
#5 - OK, you win, I’ll hold still.
#6 - Just wait, buddy; we’re going to get that hose away from you and then…!
#7 - Are we going to be done soon?
Posted by: Elaine McCarthy | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 10:07 AM
Oh, these are beyond good! And almost accurate. "G" It's going to be a tough job choosing the best one! I do like the developing story line...
Posted by: Patricia Rice | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 10:14 AM
Am I missing a clue with wench no 6? Which of the girls are we supposed to concentrate on?
Posted by: Ingrid | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 12:59 PM
Wench 1.
"I knew you had guts but I never figured you for brains. It takes a pretty smart man to know when to back away."
--High Noon (or a little later, with that shadow)
Posted by: RfP | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 01:10 PM
Ingrid, after consultation with Wench #6, she said it would be okay to out her. She's the littlest one in the group picture. If those who have already voted would like to revise their votes, send me your new guesses.
Posted by: Sherrie Holmes | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 02:40 PM
Wench 1. I swear I will never cut my bangs my myself again!
Wench 2. I never touched the mud, honest! It leapt up and attacked my face my itself!
Wench 3. Fashion rule# 1. Never mix patterns.
Wench 4. One of these kids is not like the others.
Wench 5. Queen Isabella had to restrain the mighty imp, lest she toss Peter Rabbit into the abyss.
Wench 6. It was a real bodice ripper full of lusty lads and buxom wenches
Wench 7. Finally a little class in this joint.
Posted by: piper | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 03:44 PM
I don't know what'd going on here, but "Wench #3" is a picture of ME!
Posted by: talpianna | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 05:46 PM
Excellent! In one 'swell foop' Talpianna disqualifies herself and owns to having peeked up the highlander's kilt.
Tell us, was it braw?
Posted by: RfP | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 06:25 PM
Wench 5:
Just blendin'in with the natives and no, I'm not afraid of brain-freeze.
Posted by: Jane George | Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at 06:39 PM
Wench 1 Are you looking at me with that camera, it better not be me.
Wench 2 Mom you didn't tell me my face would turn blue
Wench 3 Did I really have to have my picture taken today
Wench 4 Hey I want sandals, and by the way put your hand on your own knee this one's mine.
Wench 5 I need a nap mom so you are just going to have to hold me up for this picture.
Wench 6 You guys, we have a whole field and you just have to do a close up
Wench 7 Hum should I tell them, no better wait.
Posted by: gloria | Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 04:34 AM
#1. What is this? A mug shot? I didn't do it. Honest!
#2. Darn, they should be in jam? And how long will I look like a smurf??
#3. *sigh* Isn't he just the dreamist seven year old you've ever seen?
#4. LIttle do they know, I have four more in the freezer...
#5. It's only twenty feet. I think I can make it!
#6. I did it, mommy! I swam *and* kept my suit on!
#7. I *am* holding still.
Posted by: theo | Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 06:40 AM
These are hilarious. I'm going to have an awful time picking a weiner.
Posted by: LorettaChase | Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 07:20 AM
My captions are:
1. She's a Little Rascal.
2. I ate the whole thing and then I stepped on it!
3. She's a present any parent would love.
4. I know something you don't know!
5. I won't look down! I won't look down!
6. My bathing suit is heading south for the summer.
7. I can out stare anyone!
Posted by: Maureen | Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 11:36 AM
Oops. My caption was supposed to be for Pic #4.
Although entirely irrational captions in photo albums can also be entertaining...
Posted by: Jane George | Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 02:24 PM
Finally found the time to do them all!
Wench #1:" I got Bobby's letterman's sweater even though I'm still in preschool!"
Wench #2 applies her lipstick with an unfortunately heavy hand.
Wench #3: (see above)
Wench#4: "Mom always said a lady crosses her legs at the ankles, but I never listened."
Wench#5...when home permanents go awry
Wench#6: From stripes to stripper
Wench #7: There was a little girl who had a little curl...right on the right the side of her head.
Posted by: Maggie Robinson | Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 04:43 PM
I look a lot less intimidated in that picture than in the one which was my grandfather's favorite, which he called "About to Be Kicked by a Butterfly."
Posted by: talpianna | Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 01:52 AM
Maureen, I like your caption She's a Little Rascal, but for Wench #2, lol.
Posted by: Pam Pellini | Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 09:49 AM
Here are my pitiful attempts at guessing the inner thoughts of these wenches:
1. This is my father's land, and you Lord Scoundrel are not welcome here!
2. I have no wish to be a "lady." I can manage and work this estate as well as any man!
3. Yes, I know exactly how to win the heart of the laird!
4. You think you can fool us, but I see who you really are. You,sir, are no gentleman!
5. You can try to hold me back, but nothing will keep me from my true love!
6. Oh, look, there goes my sister sneaking off with the gardener again!
7. Yes, yes, I know that I am the prettiest girl of the Season, but can we please just get on with this!
As you can see, I am heavily influenced by the historical romances that I read! :)
Posted by: cheryl c. | Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 12:23 PM
This is me again. Cracking up some more.
Posted by: Loretta Chase | Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 01:16 PM
Great contest. I have made a pathetic attempt at the pictures. This is pathetic attempt number 2!
Wench 1: The carriage drove away leaving little Amy alone with the dreaded Nanny.
Wench 2: Lady Arrabella had always been a hellion, in fact Mr. Binstop remembered a particularly grubby face with mirth.
Wench 3: Young Miss Pontefract sat for her portrait with a poise that belied her young years.
Wench 4:Despite her Mother's admonition not to, Lady Jane insisted on hanging around with the village children.
Wench 5: There was a rather pretty folly in the garden where Alice went with her Mother.
Wench 6: Sea Bathing became quite popular, although the bathing dresses left a lot to be desired!
Wench 7: The worst kind of accidents always seem to happen before a Party.
Posted by: Sue | Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 05:41 PM
Wench 7.
I am NOT tired. I am not tired. I am not ti--
Posted by: RfP | Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 07:53 PM
I am strong, I am Invincible. I am woman...
(Helen Reddy type-stance)
Cross my Heart I didn't pick any...
That photographer looks like Mr Gable!
This icy pole is freezing my lips are stuck to it!
Mum let go.. it's only a 800 ft drop!
We can out-swim these boys!
My shoes are too tight, Hurry up!
Cheers to all.
Posted by: buggalugs | Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 11:03 PM
Wench 1: Cross that line, I dares ya!
Wench 2: Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-da
Wench 3: Sigh, I wish I was a lovely Scottish lass or an Indian princess or a beautiful spy or Maid Marion...
Wench 4: When I grow up, I'm going to be rich and famous and you guys are still going to be blonde.
Wench 5: AAAAKKKK! Not the water, anything but the water!
Wench 6: Someday, I'm going to be surrounded by bare-chested hunks who aren't my cousins.
Wench 7: Oh, fiddle-de-dee, I'll think about it tomorrow, for tomorrow is another day.
Posted by: kay | Friday, May 30, 2008 at 04:59 AM
Totally cracking up here. I've reached the point where I now know every one of those pictures in order you've been so very good at "capturing" the moment! We need a wench acknowledgments page to thank everyone for a week of laughter...
And I think I'm gonna draw my caption out of a hat. Ain't no way I can choose the best. They're much better than anything I could think of. Maybe we need to start a scrapbooking club!
Posted by: Patricia Rice | Friday, May 30, 2008 at 10:37 AM
Patricia! We're all just happy to entertain :D
I for one had a lot of fun doing those. You should post something like this every few months just so we all can do the captions for you :)
Posted by: theo | Friday, May 30, 2008 at 03:04 PM
#1 She stood alone by the steps, stylish in her jonquil gown with contrasting scarlet pelisse.
#2 Laughing impishly, she dared him to come closer to examine the suspicious blue stains on her cupid's bow lips.
#3 "But Mr. Ramsay, this dance is already taken by Lord Henry Bascombe, my intended."
#4 Their hostess had the novel idea of catering ices from
Gunter's which were refreshing, but raised concerns about the proper way to eat them in the al fresco setting. Our heroine simply sat down on the garden bench and enjoyed herself wholeheartedly.
#5 Her mother told her of the dangers of exposure to her hair and complexion, but she had to be free to feel nature breathing around her.
#6 "Well darlin' I could tell it was you by your lovely smile... and the way that you were looking the opposite direction from the photographer."
#7 Gazing pensively into his eyes, she breathed, "Yes, I will
go with you."
Posted by: Suzy Stutz | Friday, May 30, 2008 at 04:26 PM