This past Friday, I thought of a book to write! Now this mightn't seem like such a suchamuch, but I can't tell you how excited I am about it, though of course you know I'll try.
I have a new book due for AVON. They hadn't liked my latest proposal.
After wailing and gnashing of teeth (which of course, I stoically kept to myself, thinking I'd soon come up with a better one), I realized I couldn't think of another book to offer!
This isn't so rare, or strange, at least, for me. Once a novel starts reeling off in my head, there's little room for anything else. This also explains the piled up newspapers, forgotten bills, and the general air of inattention I sometimes - often - usually have, only worse. But my idea was gently rejected. So I had to set to work on a new one.
Crickets echoed in my empty brain.
Not these Crickets, mind you.
December - it was easy to slough off the idea of new book. New grandson Hugo the Magnificent! Christmas! Chanukah! Presents and goodies and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Warning: This baby is bad for authors!
January - not such a new year after all. No new ideas. Morass. Went to LA to visit brilliant Adam and gorgeous Jeanne. Pretty flowers and good company diverting.
<-- Edith was in La La Land!
February - finally getting that skulking affect, like a petty thief creeping around the mall. Feeling guilty. Panic enters, stage right.
And then - Lo! And Behold! It came to me. Completely. A good book. One I could enjoy because if I don't love writing it, how can I expect anyone else to ever like reading it?
Sometimes novels come to you slowly, bit by bit. Sometimes you wake up with them sitting on your forehead, full-blown and whole as an egg.
And sometimes you have to forget the whole thing for a while, and let ideas simmer in the back brain. But now I have it, and now I'm writing the proposal. It feels wonderful.
(Do NOT ask what I'll do if my editor hates it.)
Hurray! I am so happy for you, Edith. Though, I'm scowling at your editor. How could s/he not like something that dripped from the sage pen of Lady Layton? Posh!
Anyway, I think I would love having an idea come whole, sitting upon my brow as pretty as you please. But, alas I slave for a devil of a muse. [sigh and double sigh]
But, you must tell… when will the book be out? I’m already chomping at the bit.
Nina, finding Hugo the Magnificent quite a magnificent distraction
Posted by: Nina P | Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 11:36 AM
Having a book appear full-blown (like Minerva) is your reward for keeping at at the job when the Muse is not so kind. That sort of thing keeps you slaving away with a happy grin on your face. It doesn't happen every time, but we know from psychology that random rewards are much more effective motivators than predictable ones.
Posted by: Kathy Kremer | Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 12:47 PM
You have the cutest grandchild on earth at the moment (my first and second are due in March and September, respectively, and then we'll see).
I'm so glad you've had a breakthrough. I have a bunch of random---and probably perfectly awful---ideas but not the will or the time to execute them without killing myself or dying first! I MUST stick to the 82,000 word wip which is slooowly advancing to its end. I guess I'd better finish before March, huh? Those babies are bad for business!
Posted by: Maggie Robinson | Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 02:43 PM
>>But, you must tell… when will the book be out? I’m already chomping at the bit.>.
That one? Cannot yet say. But BRIDE ENCHANTED will be out in September.
Now, needs must write the one that will be out after that!
But thanks for asking, Nina.
Posted by: Edith | Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 05:56 PM
It's funny how sometimes books assemble themselves piecemeal over years, sort of like cobbling together Frankenstein, and other times they appear in a flash. The flash ideas are more exciting in their appearance. :) I don't know if they're better books, but they definitely get the writerly adrenaline revved up!
Mary Jo
Posted by: maryjoputney | Sunday, February 18, 2007 at 06:11 PM
Congratulations, Edith, on giving birth to a full grown baby. *g* I'm so glad you have a new story that you are excited about.
I love starting a new book. When an idea hits, I usually think about it for a few days or few weeks. It's back there, simmering away, and when the pot boils over, I'm ready to sit down and write like a fiend. That first adrenaline rush usually carries me 1/3 to 1/2 way through the book before I come up for air. I just love the excitement of starting a new book.
I hope your editor loves your new proposal and that time will pass very quickly so that I can read it the minute it comes out.
Have you thought about naming the hero of one of your future stories "Hugo"? *g*
Posted by: Sherrie Holmes | Monday, February 19, 2007 at 12:26 AM
Each book, like every child, makes its appearance in its own way. Yours sounds like it's going to be a humdinger already!
Posted by: Patricia Rice | Monday, February 19, 2007 at 10:40 AM
Wow what a good "muse" was in the air !!!! A new book and for sure a winner !!!! Dear Edith, you know how much I love them !!!!
Posted by: Joelle | Monday, February 19, 2007 at 12:23 PM
Wow, Edith! I can't tell Hugo's hair color from the photo and I haven't met Susie or her husband, but from the pictures of Susie on the net, the boy looks alot like her. Lucky boy!
Posted by: cooper | Sunday, February 25, 2007 at 04:14 PM